Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I think I can, I think I can

This shows Austin standing up on his own without any assistance. He goes up and down over and over again. He loves it and claps for himself in the end. Starting to stand up.
Almost there

Clapping because he's so proud of himself.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our new nephew

Jonathan David Lucas, Jr. was born today at 1:24 weighing 7.10 and 20 inches long. He is a beautiful baby boy. I was thrilled to be a part of his big day. We look forward to watching Austin, Jonathan, and Olivia grow up together and be best friends.

New Fund Purchases

On Monday I went down to LeBonheur and spent a few hours there. While I was there I met with Foundation about the Fund making a donation to the new hospital, did a radio a thon interview (which will broadcast on FM 100 end of August), and met with some moms whose babies are in the NICU. I also represented the Fund by giving the NICU our newest donations. The Forrest Spence Fund donated a new microwave to the NICU that will help the breastfeeding moms to clean their supplies. We also donated a new digital camera and printer dock so the nurses can take pictures of the babies doing the first of things, first time smiling, first time off ventilator, etc, and print the pictures on the spot for parents. The pictures below show the newest program we are starting with the NICU. The Fund donated 250 bags that each include a journal with a pen attached (so parents, doctors, staff can take notes in the same journal), an Angel Dear Lovie (which Angel Dear so graciously donated in memory of Forrest who slept with 2 Angel Dear Lovies every moment of his life), and breast feeding/pumping supplies along with a letter from David and and I. We are so excited about this new program and helping support the NICU with the initiative to get as many moms as possible to breastfeed for their sick babies. It makes such a difference in the sick babies lives.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

6 years!

Today is our 6 year Anniversary.  6 years ago today I married my best friend, the man of my dreams, my prince charming.  We have been through some really great times and some really hard times.  I never imagined on our wedding day that we would one day say goodbye to our first child.  You imagine on the beautiful day that you marry your prince that life will be full of sunshine and no rain.  We unfortunately have been through some pretty tough storms but there is no one I would rather walk through the puddles than with David.  He is truly the man of my dreams.  Happy 6 year Anniversary Honey.  I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Whit's birthday party

Austin went to Whit's 1st birthday party last weekend and had a blast =)  I am sure we will experience many more birthday parties over the years.  We loved being a part of Whit's special day.  
Whit enjoying his first taste of cake.

Whit enjoying the pool. The theme was having a ball in the water. There was a baby pool and splash pad.

Austin hanging out before the splash pad.

Enjoying the splash pad. 

We may have to get one of these for the hot summer days. 

Watching the other kids splash around.  

Friday, June 19, 2009

What Mommy has been up too

For the past 4 weeks I have taught swim lessons every week day (and one weekend).  I loved seeing the kids enjoy the water and learn some new skills along the way.  I took these pictures off of 2 friends blogs (I didn't take any pictures of my own).  

Friday, June 12, 2009

driving the car

Austin loves to get in the front seat of the car with us and pretend drive.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

sweetest sound

I took this video the other night when David was getting Austin ready for bed.  His daddy can really get him going.  When he is really excited, he moves his arms all around.  It makes my heart smile every time I watch it.  We are so blessed!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pulling up

Austin is pulling up on EVERYTHING and starting to cruise.  We had to quickly babyproof the house in the last week.  He went from staying in one room and playing to on the move and pulling up on everything in sight.  He makes me very nervous with his bravery but he sure is proud of himself.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Here is Austin standing up on his own.  He is getting braver everyday.  He got his first busted lip this morning from trying to be brave and letting go of his toy.  He went head first into his toy and got a fat lip.  

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

bathtub fun

Austin loves his bath time.  He plays, splashes, and loves every minute of it.  
Look at all my toys. 
Starting to splash. 
Full splash mode! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

getting into mischief

I thought these pictures were hilarious.  It shows the succession of Austin getting into his toy box and then falling down afterwards.  If he wants something, by golly, he is going to get it.  

Monday, June 1, 2009

Austin and Gigi

My mom (Gigi) came to visit this past week to help take care of Austin while I taught swim lessons.  She was such a huge help.  She took care of him and helped take care of the house.  It was so nice to have her around and not worry about Austin while I was working.
Gigi clapping for Austin. 
Austin clapping for Gigi.  He loves to clap for himself and others.