Miller is my maiden name and a name I have always loved. It took me a while to convince David of the name but I finally got it...my 3rd son will be named Miller. David is in charge of the middle name (we do one name from my side and one name from his side with all our boys, so he has to decide on his side). We have narrowed our choices down but can't decide. It may take until he's born for us to decide the middle name but I am thrilled that we decided on his first name. I have been calling and praying for him by Miller for a long time just hoping David would eventually agree and he did! I am thrilled to pass on my maiden name to my 3rd son.
The banner was a labor of love from me. I am just learning to sew so this was quite a project I took on but I am happy with how it turned out. If I ever do another one I will make some changes but overall I am pleased. A friend helped me with the stitching of the letters (couldn't quite get them to look the way I wanted so I enlisted the help of a great seamstress...thanks Bridgette!).
Baby brother Miller, we can't wait to meet you. We have been praying for your safe arrival and health. I just know you are going to do better than your brothers and stay only the normal 2 days in the hospital and come home with us like you should. I am counting on you for no NICU or PICU stay. I don't think this momma can handle leaving the hospital without you like she did with your brothers. We love you so much already and eagerly await your arrival. Keep working hard in mommy's belly and take the whole 8 weeks left to get fat and healthy. We love you and praise Jesus for your little life.