Miller will be here in less than a month. The plan is to induce me around June 22 or 23. My doctor likes to induce me a week early so he can control how fast my labor goes. It is very important for me to get 2 rounds of antibiotics over a 6 hour period before Miller makes his entrance. We are so ready to meet the little guy. I can't wait to see what Austin thinks of him.
We would covet your prayers over the next 4 weeks as we prepare to meet our 3rd son. There are so many mixed emotions as we get ready for his birth. Excited, scared, anxious, thrilled, name the emotion...and I have probably felt it. I am confident in the Lord and know that His plan is far greater than mine but I sure would love to bring Miller home with us on day 2 and have no extended NICU stay. Please pray that he is healthy. Pray too for my fears...I know those are not from the Lord. Satan knows my fears and tries to bring terrible thoughts in my head. Thank you to everyone who has followed our story from the beginning and has kept our little family in your prayers. We are forever grateful.