Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Thursday, July 30, 2009

8 month professional pics

Austin had some professional pictures taken when he was 8 months old by 1:17 Photography. I thought they turned out great. I scanned in the pictures that we bought so they aren't as great as the originals.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

10 Months

Austin is 10 months old. Not sure how long he is but he weighs 20.5 lbs. It has been a big month for little man. He learned to walk this month and is getting more vocal. He babbles all the time. We are enjoying every moment with him.

month pictures

Austin months 1-10.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

mommy and Austin

Nicole took these pictures of Austin and I. I love my baby boy!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Whit came over to play on Friday afternoon and we had the best time (until Austin fell and hit the coffee table with his nose, we have a nice bruise to show for it...aah...the wobbly walking has begun). They really did play well together. Austin followed Whit wherever he went (Whit was content to play without Austin next to him but he was still very sweet to him). It is so fun to have a best friend with a son almost the same age.
Playing with the same toy.

So hard to get 2 little boys to look at the camera at the same time.

Whit liked Sadie's bed. Jennie was asking him where his tongue is...he showed us!

Loving Sadie's bed

Jennie trying to get them to share

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nicole and Austin

Nicole came to visit this past week and we had the best time with her. She is a rising senior at my old high school and I have known her since she was 4. She is a beautiful young lady that I know God has big plans for. I am so excited to watch these next years unfold and see those plans. She was wonderful with Austin (and Sadie). They were both sad to see her go.

Thank you Nicole for coming to Memphis to spend time with a married brod and her 10 month old son. I know it wasn't the most exciting and action packed week but we LOVED having you here. You are welcome anytime at the Spence house.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Austin is walking. He took a few steps last week and is taking more every day. He is still very wobbly but getting stronger each day. This video was taken on my birthday (21st). What a fun birthday present!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

cute pics

I know your thinking...more cute pics of Austin. How many can one person post. Well...he is the cutest thing I ever did see...I know the grandparents will love looking at them.
These were taken in Hendersonville at a family friends home.

Carson and Austin (I have known Carson since he was 2). He is such a wonderful kid. I can't wait to see what God has in store for him.

Monday, July 20, 2009

cute in his pj's

We switched from footie pj's to pants/top pj's and I have to say..I LOVE him in these pj's. He looks so cute in them. I think he looks so much older but still cute as a button.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thompson's birthday party

Austin's best buddy Thompson turned 1 this week so we went to a birthday party for him. It was so fun to be with 2 of my best college friends and their sons. Happy Birthday Thompson. We can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with you!Thompson, Austin, and Whit
(we couldn't get any of them to look at the camera at the same time).
Austin and I, Beth and Thompson, Jennie and Whit

Friday, July 17, 2009

...just watching

Austin's favorite person is his daddy (I think he loves me too but he is crazy about his daddy). We were getting ready for church last Sunday and this is where I found Austin. In the bathroom watching his daddy shave. He crawled in there, stood up by the toilet, held on, and watched his daddy for at least 10 minutes.
This is when David looks down at Austin and tells him that one day he will teach him how to shave and so many other things...Oh my goodness...I am so blessed.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

David's beard

I had to post some pictures that showed how long David's beard got.  While he works at the Med (Trauma Hospital in Memphis) he lets his beard grow out.  He was at the Med for 3 months so it got pretty long.  These pictures were taken about a week before he shaved it.  

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

college friends

I decided to do a post on my college girlfriends since I did the post on Kacee and her little girl. These 4 girls became my closest friends in college and still are some of my closest friends.  The 5 of us (sometimes we bring the husbands and kids along) still get together 2 times a year.  We used to see each other more often when we were all getting married.  We have been through good times and bad, laughed and cried, rejoiced and grieved together.  I am so thankful for each of them.  They each bring something different to my life.  Thank you for your friendship and love through the years
me, Kacee, Jennie, Beth, and Ashley in Atlanta

At Kacee's rehearsal dinner; Ashley, Beth, Kacee, me, Jennie

At Kacee's wedding.  Things have really changed since then.  Beth has 2 children, I have 2 children, Kacee has 1, Ashley has 1 on the way, and Jennie has 1.  