Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Thursday, May 30, 2013

5 months

This sweet girl turned 5 months on Monday!  Seriously...where did the time go?  I think she was just born!!!  I love this little girl more than words can describe.  She has been such a gift to our family and is so very loved by all of us.  The boys are just as smitten with her as David and I.  

Things she loves:
-her brothers - she now belly laughs at them daily.  She thinks they are the funniest things and loves watching them.
-her daddy and mommy
-smiles from others
-bath time
-being on the diaper changing table
-play mat
-her fingers


Things she doesn't love:
-dirty diapers

Some big changes happened with our sweet girl from months 4 to 5.  She sleeps through the night...woo hoo!  She takes 2 awesome naps and 1 cat nap.  She is the easiest thing to put down to sleep.  I just put her in her sleep sac, close the curtains, turn on the sound machine, sing Jesus Loves Me and put her in her crib awake and thats it.  She rolls on her side, sticks her fingers in her mouth, grabs her lovie and goes to sleep.  It is AMAZING!  Both my boys were good about putting themselves to sleep but she awesome!  She is no longer swaddled, out of the nap nanny, doesn't take a paci, sucks her fingers, eats food, and rolls from her tummy to her back.  It was a big month for her.  

She also weighs 16.1 lbs!

Some pictures of our sweet girl!
IMG_8759 IMG_8761 IMG_8766 IMG_8768 IMG_8774 IMG_8775 IMG_8776 IMG_8780 IMG_8785 IMG_8787 IMG_8789
Happy 5 months precious girl!  We love you to the moon and back!


Molly Witherington said...

She is so stinkin' cute. Love those belly pictures with her eyes so wide open. I'd belly laugh at those two boys all day too!
5 months seems magical. Things are really beginning to come together for us as well.

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

Wow! Sleep boot camp really worked for sweet Miss Maggie! Can't believe she's so big already!