Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Monday, May 5, 2014

Please VOTE!

I know...I have been MIA but for good reason!  I took a little vacation to CA and WA while David was at a conference.  It was amazing and good for the soul.  I am back and have a lot to post but first I really need a favor...please go vote!   I sent this email out to almost all email addresses I have in my book.  Please, please go vote and pass it on to anyone and everyone you know.

Hey friends and family,

The Forrest Spence Fund is up for another $5,000 award from StyleBlueprint.  We originally weren't even one of the top 24 selected but with the help of our supporters who wrote the FSF name in we moved into top 12.  We are now in the top 6 and hoping to make it to the top 3 and then win.  All we need you to do is vote for the Forrest Spence Fund on StyleBlueprints website.  Click here to go to the website.  You only need to vote 1 time per week (the week ends on Sunday at 6 pm).  We are currently in 5th place against some great charities in Memphis who have a much bigger support system so we need all the help we can get.  Please go vote now and share with anyone you know.  $5,000 would make a big difference in the lives of families in the Midsouth.  

Thank you,
Brittany Spence

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