Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Friday, June 20, 2014

Five for Friday

I really need to update the blog with all the summer happenings including the beach but I have no time!!!  The kids are with me 24/7 and when I have a free moment from them I am working on the Fund.  I plan on updating soon.

So for Five for Friday...
1. We have spent lots of time outdoors lately. It's starting to get too hot to be outside if you're not in a pool. We are in a pool all the time as well but I can't ever take pictures because I am afraid one of my children would drown.

2. I stopped by the Forrest Sibling Playroom at Le Bonheur the other day. I am so proud of this little guy and all that he inspired.

3. I had some cute helpers helping me with the Unit Appreciation project at Le Bonheur. These goody bags went to the staff in the Labratory.

4. We met some friends at the Botanic Gardens the other day to feed the fish. Honestly, I think those things are gross and would rather never do this but the kids get a big kick out of it.

5. Austin had his last tee ball game on Tuesday night. We loved watching him play. He was quite a hustler and really loved playing.
David was the first base coach and always had quite a crew "helping" him. Untitled
We had quite a fan base as well.  Usually David's parents and my mom would come to the games.
Happy Friday friends!

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