Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Friday, October 28, 2011

Five for Friday

I am doing a quick post: Five For Friday 

1. It's almost the weekend which means Daddy is home!
2.  I can't wait for Halloween.  My boys are the most precious Duck and Monkey around.
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3.  I love having friends over and we had a fun Halloween play date at our house this morning.
4.  I have had some great conversations with my bestie who I miss terribly!
5.  It looks like the stomach bug missed Miller.  This is a miracle! IMG_4525
Hope you are having a fabulous Friday!  Enjoy the weekend.

1 comment:

bec said...

Love keeping up with the spences, your monkey and duck are pretty cute!