Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Monday, May 21, 2012

All About Boston - Part 3

All about Boston - Part 3.  Things we will miss when we move home to Memphis.

1. The great skiing so close by. On the lift

2. The wonderful children's museum. Driving the bus Playing in the kitchen We love the tool area at the Boston Children's Museum.

3.  The Paramount.
Paramount brunch

 4.  Our favorite bakery, Flour
IMG_4274 Flour 2

5.  My running buddies
We finished 8 miles!

 6. This view on my runs Charles River

 7. Precious friends
Snacks at the park IMG_4764 IMG_4755

 8. Wonderful, easy day trips
IMG_1059 IMG_4043 IMG_4018

1 comment: said...

I am so glad to see that your family has loved Boston is a great city! You have been so wise to make so many happy memories there and enjoy it to the fullest! I knew that you would love it! Great memories to cherish and great pictures.
Jane Barnes