Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Friday, April 6, 2012

Five for Friday-Blessings

Blessings Five for Friday-thinking about Easter and what it means has made me reflect on the amazing blessings in my life.  

1.  First blessing is Jesus.  Easter is in 2 days and just thinking about what Easter means has made me feel so blessed to be called his child.  I love the reason we celebrate Easter...we celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the dead.  He gave his life to die for our sins. On the third day after He died -- the day we now celebrate as Easter Sunday -- His friends went to His grave, and found that He had risen from the dead. They saw an angel who told them, "Don't be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn't here! He has been raised from the dead, just as He said it would happen."  Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday; now He offers us the gift of eternal life and forgiveness of sins. What an amazing thing!

2.  This man...seriously one of the greatest blessings I was ever given.  I love this man and thank the Lord everyday I married him.  

3.  This beautiful boy.  His life changed me...I am forever blessed by the 55 days he was in my life. 
4.  These 2 munchkins.  I am so blessed by their lives.  They are a handful but I wouldn't change anything about them.  
I'm an astronaut The Boss

5.  A wonderful extended family and wonderful friends near and far.  God has been so good to us to provide us with the wonderful family we have who love us and support us and for the incredible friends we have in Boston and other places.  Friends and family are such a treasure and we are blessed to have the amazing ones we have.    

Source: via Brittany on Pinterest


Laura Sessions said...

Happy Easter! Love you!

KJ said...

Love this post sweet friend. So many beautiful and precious things to be thankful. Happy Easter- He has Risen! :)