Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Friday, October 26, 2012

Five for Friday

We have had a busy but fun week in the Spence household.  So what have we been up too:

1.  Reuniting with these 2 after my weekend away. I missed these 2 while I was gone. Glad to be reunited. #minusthetempertantrums

2. Starting to nest for baby girl. Sorted through the newborn clothes and started soaking in oxiclean. I hate the yellow spots that show up on your clothes after they have been packed away for some time. I thought I had more gender neutral stuff since we didn't know the sex with Forrest but we have a LOT of blue, white, and yellow. I need to get some pink and flowers up in there. Starting to Nest for baby girl...newborn clothes soaking in Oxiclean in the sink. #needmorepinkinthere #toomuchwhiteblueyellow

3.  Spent a fun morning at My Big Backyard with the boys.  We truly love this place.  It is a perfect place for little boys to be little boys.  Its outside, room to run and explore, close by, and fun!
We L.O.V.E My Big Backyard!  Perfect for my littles to run, play, & be outside.

4.  Did a little crafting so my biggest could be a pig for Farmer Day at school.  Most kids picked to be a farmer but Austin really wanted to be a pig.  He looked hilarious.  He wore it all day and then slept with it last night.
Farm day at school. My little pig!

5.  This weekend is a 3 day/night event for David's work.  Some of our residency classmates made the drive to attend.  It was so fun to be reunited last night at the Rendezvous.  We have missed seeing these sweet friends and look forward to spending lots of quality time together.
Residency Reunion. So thrilled to be reunited this weekend. @cvalkj

Happy Friday friends...enjoy the weekend and if you are in the line of the Frankenstorm be careful!


Emilee Odette Garrett said...

I will pull out the girl clothes for you next week! And what's the frankenstorm and am I in its path? I feel so blissfully out of touch! :-)

Anonymous said...

Austin as the pig is hilarious! What a cutie!