Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Professional Beach pictures

My sister in law and I hired my friend Beth to take professional pictures of the grandkids and grandparents while at the beach for their mother's day/father's day gifts.  Beth happened to be there the same week with her family so it worked out perfectly.  They turned out great!  The ones with the 6 grandkids and grandparents are precious and Anne's 3 kids look great as well.  Mine didn't turn out so well but that's ok.  I mainly wanted the one of everyone to turn out and it did.  Very happy with them.
famsingle triplehug MillerGDad siblingstack sibsquare playbehind babies miller feet catplay millerface IMG_5892
These next 2 crack me up. Austin was upset with the brightness of the sun. IMG_5944 IMG_5943
Love these of my in-laws. Great picture!
IMG_5933 IMG_5932 IMG_5890 IMG_5863 IMG_5763 IMG_5757 IMG_5755 IMG_5737
Thank you Beth for your beautiful pictures taken of our family.  We love them!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

7 months old

I know...I know...I am WAY past her 7 month birthday but August is crazy for our clan.  The race is in full speed and filling every last second of my day so the good ole blog has gone to the back burner.  I will be back at it before too long but I wanted to make sure I got Maggie's 7 month post up before she turned 8 months.

Maggie turned 7 months on July 27th.  Months 6-7 were more big months for her.  She cut her second tooth and can now sit up completely unassisted.  She loves sitting on the floor playing while her brothers are acting crazy all around her.  She still loves her exersaucer and jumperoo and enjoys sitting at the table eating meals with us.  She enjoys trying new foods and is a good eater.  She is not a great bottle taker and is pretty difficult to give it too.  I will definitely not miss giving a bottle after she is 1.  She is still very laid back and goes with the flow majority of the time.  

Things she loves:
-her brothers!!!
-her daddy and mommy
-smiles from others
-bath time
-being on the diaper changing table

-sitting up
-her teeting toys like Sophie

-her fingers


Things she doesn't love:
-being hot (which is difficult since we live in Memphis)

I haven't weighed her lately but I think she is over 18 lbs.

Some pictures of our sweet girl!

IMG_9022 IMG_9023 IMG_9026 IMG_9032 IMG_9033 IMG_9035 IMG_9038 IMG_9047 IMG_9048 IMG_9051 IMG_9057 IMG_9062 IMG_9063
I had to include some of her sucking her 2 fingers while holding her lovie.  Reminds me so much of Austin.  They suck the same 2 fingers and both love their lovie!IMG_9070 IMG_9075
Happy 7 months sweet angel.  We adore you!

Six for Saturday

I can't seem to get my Five for Fridays up on time so another Six for Saturday!

1.  Less than 1 month till race day...have you signed up?  Click here to sign up as a participant or a ghost runner if you can't make the race.  The shirt looks just like the logo below.  A 100% cotton heathered/faded red shirt with white logo.

2.  Downloading old pictures from my phone and I came across this pic...they were so little!  I love the age they are currently in but I miss those little guys and that curly hair of Miller's. IMG_2155

3.  I could truly eat this little girl up...she loved her new pool.

4.  I was running behind the other night in getting dinner ready so I bribed Austin with a Starburst into feeding Maggie who was starving.  He doesn't have the best aim but he got the job done.
5.  We enjoyed Gibson's donuts this morning.  Usually daddy takes them but he was working today so mommy had the joy of taking them.  They LOVE donuts!

6.  Sweet girl is sitting up all by herself now.  I am overboard on the pillows but you can never be too careful. =)  She loves seeing the world from this view.
Sweet girl is mastering sitting up!  Mommy is being over the top with pillows.
Happy Saturday friends!  Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Birthday weekend

I LOVED that my birthday fell on a weekend this year.  It was so great to have David off all weekend to help celebrate my big day.  He did a great job making me feel special and loved!  I enjoyed a double date with our best friends on Saturday night, slept in on Sunday morning, had my breakfast and coffee waiting on me when I woke up, enjoyed church, had a special lunch, relaxed all afternoon, and then had dinner and a homemade (from scratch) cake made for me.  I also spent a fun girls morning with Halley on Monday to celebrate both of our birthdays.  I also received some sweet gifts from the ones I love.  I truly felt loved in all ways!
Truly perfect birthday!  Sleeping in, church, coffee mug and candles from my boys, flowers from David, and homemade cake and dinner made by David. A great day! Untitled Untitled Untitled Birthday dinner with my littlest loves! Happy birthday sweet friend!  I loved celebrating our birthdays together today. You are a true gift to my life. @halleywilliams