Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five for Friday

Five for Friday

1.  My biggest is about to turn 5 so we have been busy getting ready for his birthday party.  Can you guess the theme?
Therapy: 1. The treatment of   disease or disorders. 2. A curative power or quality. 3. Psychotherapy. 4. Any act, hobby, task, program, etc. that relieves tension.  *I'll take #4. Planning for Austin's birthday is therapy for me after Forrest's birthday. IMG_6509 IMG_6510 IMG_6512

2.  Just call her bruiser.  Maggie vs. the ground.  The ground won.  Sweet girl took a tumble when trying to pull up the other day and hit face first on the ground.  It has since turned a nice bluish/black color.
Just call her bruiser!  Ground vs Maggie...ground won. #tooearlytobepullingup
3. I think I might have gotten a little too close to running out of gas. At this point I was pulling into the gas station.

4.  The kids and I were on a run last Saturday when we came across a hurt hawk.  It was laying in the road but tried to move when the boys came along on the scooters.  I called a Bird Rescue Center and this nice man came to pick it up and take it to a Vet.  We are hoping he could be saved.

5.  Austin's school had a JK Social at My Big Backyard on Saturday.  Everyone was having fun until my big guy fell in the nasty pond.  Seriously, fell in.  I about died.  Who knows what gross stuff is in that water.  He thankfully jumped out rather quickly and wasn't really phased by it.  After that happened I just let him play in the sprinklers (the rain area provided by the Big Backyard) until he was soaking wet from head to toe.
IMG_6527 IMG_6528

Happy Friday friends!  Enjoy the weekend!


Memphis Bridges said...

The party looks so cute! We actually threw a Lego birthday party last year (but it was Lego Friends :)) Have fun!

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

I'm hiring you for all of Peter's future birthday parties. Too CUTE! Can't wait to see the finished details! Also can't believe Austin is almost 5. Wow. We were at the Backyard this summer and it was so stinkin' hot that I let my kids wallow in that river. Wallow. It was gross but I tried not to worry about it too much.