Comfort and Joy

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will
give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Friday, November 18, 2011

Five for Friday

Woo hoo!  It's Friday...Five for Friday time!

1.  Yaya and Dingdad are coming to visit us next week...everyone is so excited to have them in town.
2.  I booked the boys and my trip home in January.  We are going home for 2 weeks!  Can't wait to see friends and family, eat some good Mexican food, worship in our home church, participate in the Forrest Spence Fund dinner at the FedEx House, and so much more!
3.  The Forrest Spence Fund newsletter is ready to send to the printer.  This year we started working on it in September but no matter how much time we give ourselves, it is always so stressful at the end.  David and I have been working day and night updating the database.  There are almost 1300 names on our database so it's a lot to keep up with.  I will be so thankful when these bad boys are in the mail.

4.  Austin is doing so well with his letters and loves making our craft letter of the day.  Yesterday was P so we read a book about Penguins and made a P-Penguin craft.
IMG_4975IMG_4972 IMG_4971
5.  I am so thankful for precious, Godly women who are pouring into my lives here in Boston.  I am a part of a wonderful Bible study full of incredible women of God and they have loved me deeply even without knowing me that well.  I shared 2 weeks ago about the anniversary of Forrest's passing coming up and this past Wednesday she brought me this.  What a treasure!  I really will miss these ladies when we leave.


Melody said...

That last one just makes my heart smile. I am so glad you have been able to connect with other Godly women up in Boston and the picture is just precious. I know you are going to make a difference in the lives of others through Forrest even up there.

Oh, and. Can't wait for you to come back. I would lve to see you when you do!


jennie brooks said...

2 weeks!?!?!? Wahoo!!!! Love your letters... I feel like a terrible mom since I'm NOT doing that! You little teacher. Love the Forrest frame- that is just so precious and special.

Meant to say yesterday I love how your boys tackle each other- can't wait for that :)

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

Hooray for a trip HOME! I hope you're thinking of a girls' night at Las Delicious again. Yum... It's incredible that the FSF is reaching so many. You are amazing. And I'm so thankful you've found people you can share your life with there in Boston. I'm proud of you. I never really found "connections" in Cincinnati (I didn't try very hard and I should have). You're doing good. Can't wait to see you!!!

ashleywheatley said...

Love the letters too! Your so good! Much more
Fun than the boring flash cards I have for c.
Can't wait to see ya soon!!